Easy Kids Crafting: Create a Ring Toss Game from Leftover Paper Plates

Posted by Lucy Todd on

Looking for a fun and engaging way to repurpose those paper plates left over from your last party?

Crafting a ring toss game is the perfect solution. This easy crafting project for kids is ideal for children under 12-years-old and provides an opportunity for creative play. Plus, it's a great way to encourage kids to recycle and reuse materials. 

You can even make use of those plates that were only lightly used during the party and perhaps only had a few crumbs on them, rather than tossing them into the bin.

It's a simple yet creative way to spend time with your children, making it a great weekend or school holiday crafting activity.

    Read on to discover how to make this entertaining game in just 30 minutes.

    Supplies needed:

    - 5 paper plates
    - 1 paper towel tube
    - Paper tape and paper glue
    - Scissors
    - Pencil or pen
    - A smaller round plate or similar object for tracing


    Approx. 30 minutes

    Skill level:

    Easy - supervision and possibly some help required for cutting out



    Step 1: Gather all Materials
    Before starting the project, ensure you have all the necessary supplies. This helps keep the crafting session smooth and enjoyable.

    Step 2: Prepare the Tossing Rings
    For sturdy tossing rings:
    - Apply glue to the top edge of one paper plate.
    - Press another paper plate firmly on top of it, creating a double layer.
    - Place a weight (like a book) on top and let it dry completely.
    - Repeat this step to create a second set of double-layered plates, resulting in two sturdy rings.


    Step 3: Create the Ring Toss Base
    To make the base of your ring toss game:
    - Take the paper towel tube and make four 1.5cm cuts on one end.
    - Bend the cut sections outward to form flaps.
    - Attach these flaps to the centre of one paper plate using paper glue or tape. Press firmly and allow it to dry.

    Step 4: Cut Out the Ring Centres
    Once your double-layered plates are dry:
    - Use a small plate or a similar round object to trace a circle in the centre of each.
    - Carefully cut out the centre circle with scissors, creating your tossing rings. Parents may wish to make a start to help smaller children with this step. 

    Step 5: Let the Games Begin!
    Your ring toss game is now ready. Set up the base and start tossing the rings. This game is perfect for indoor or outdoor play and is sure to keep kids entertained.

    Tips for Success:

    - Use brightly coloured paper plates to make the game more visually appealing.
    - Encourage kids to decorate their plates with markers, stickers, or paint for a personalised touch.
    - If you have extra plates, make more rings for added fun.

    Benefits of This Crafting Activity:

    - Easy Kids Crafting: This project is simple and quick, making it perfect for young children.
    - Promotes Recycling: Teach kids the importance of reusing materials and reducing waste.
    - Boosts Creativity: Allowing children to decorate their rings fosters creativity and self-expression.
    - Fun and Active: This craft doubles as a game, promoting physical activity and hand-eye coordination.

    More Crafts:

    With this easy crafting activity using paper plates, you can create lasting memories and a fun game for the whole family. So, gather any leftover and household supplies and enjoy some quality crafting time with your kids.

    Incase you missed it, watch the video below:


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