Reducing your personal impact on the environment

Posted by Jo Jeffery on

To encourage us all to reduce our personal impact on carbon emissions, every month we ask our people for ideas which we share. In order to build awareness of fellow B Corps among the team, we have a prize to spend with a different one each month. Here are some of the ways we’re reducing our impact…


Fero is our art worker and technologist and is currently undergoing a circular economy course. Which means he is passionate about reducing material use: he’s committed to sharing, leasing, repairing, reusing and recycling products for as long as possible. Features repair guides for everything, written by everyone. I came across this site when my sunglass lense got damaged. Instead of buying new sunglasses, I’ve just ordered and fitted new lenses. This is a trusted marketplace for renting almost anything. Rent out your stuff to earn extra money or rent from others to save. This mobile app connects people to over 25,000 restaurants and stores that have surplus food they are selling at discounted prices. A mobile app that lets you pass on what you no longer need to people who live nearby. Give away, receive, borrow or lend things in your community for free. Why recycle something if it can be reused? That’s the story behind Reuseabox who sell reused cardboard boxes at good prices.


Lauren is our senior product developer and games content designer. She’s always looking to make our games more sustainable, like replacing the plastic inner contents trays with cardboard ones. If you’re in London or Brighton and have need of an expensive item you might only use a few times Library of Things could come in handy. You can rent items for a few pound a day – like a pasta maker for £3. If you buy train tickets through Train Hugger they will plant a tree for every booking. And their prices are competitive. Fed up with a constant stream of bad new? Sign up for free to Positive News Magazine for unremittingly uplifting news about environmental progress.


That’s me, head of brand development. I tell the stories of all the good stuff people are doing at Talking Tables and also help steer our community work.

The Cloud consumes an enormous amount of power and water. We can impact that by regularly deleting emails and photos, and being mindful of who we cc on our emails. Check it out here: Is the Cloud Damaging the Planet

I have three cats which adds up to a lot of food pouches. Luckily they can be recycled: Pets at Home. Animal agriculture is the second biggest contributor to human made greenhouse gases (after fossil fuels). That includes the dairy industry. Trying a plant based diet just once a week can make a big difference.


Becky works in product development and is also an account manager, looking after our relationship with the John Lewis Partnership among others. Describing itself as a ‘zero waste shop’, Friendly Turtle sells 1,800 products – from dusters, to soap, to food wraps. I recently bought some replacement toothbrush heads that are completely recyclable. They come with a free post bag to return them when they need replacing.


Faye is our lead designer and art worker and one of our most passionate volunteers. Beach clean anyone? I have just bought some glasses from Peep Eyewear – they sell refurbished frames and add your prescription lenses, or will reglaze your existing frames. They also plant trees for every pair sold and accept donations of unwanted frames to refurbish and resell. Even their cleaning cloths are made from recycled plastic bottles.


Daniel is our director of supply chain and as such was instrumental in steering us to B Corporation status. Sharing a fellow B Corp company I met at a local B Corp network event. Wild sell natural deodorant from reusable plastic-free containers. You can purchase a one-off, buy refills or set up a subscription.


Helen is our senior mock up artist. We are forever marvelling at her creativity at hand making the most amazing paper constructions like intricate cake stands. Reuse. Refill. Repeat. That’s the mantra behind the refill and dispenser household cleaning and personal care website Bower Collective. They are a B Corp and I have a subscription with them, they also partner with CleanHub on removing plastic waste from the oceans.


As our senior social media manager, Beth can be found spreading the sustainability message via TikToks and Reels, and across all our social channels. I use the Nextdoor app and have found people will literally come and collect almost anything you are getting rid of – from half used paint pots, to food items, to furniture. I would recommend listing there before throwing things away.


Our products are designed in-house by our team of designers, including super talented Abbie. Period cups are a great way to reduce waste. Saalt are especially good if anyone’s looking to get one as they’re a B Corp.


Jocelyn is our chief operating office and is the beating heart of Talking Tables. She makes sure the business functions efficiently and effectively.

I recycle my Christmas and birthday cards as postcards by cutting the back half off. Having an address and stamp section means no need for an envelope too. Best to remember who sent them so as to avoid returning them.


Nothing would get made without artworker Carey, who won idea of the month for his suggestion.

Avocado pits are slow to compost but you can speed this up by grinding them. You can then also sprinkle them around your plants.


Clare founded Talking Tables when tablescaping didn’t even exist as a word let alone as a major trend. Clare’s commitment to doing business better provides us all with the opportunity to put sustainability and social impact at the centre of what we do.

I have switched from cat food pouches to tins, with two cats that's a lot of pouches avoided.


Senior product developer Astrid is instrumental in introducing sustainable product initiatives, like our recycled glass bud vases which debuted this summer. I have ordered a Thrift+ bag to try. You fill up the bag with unwanted clothes and drop off at a parcel shop. They sort through your clothes and either sell them online (you choose which charities the money goes to) or they send anything unsellable for textile recycling.

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