Ava's Fiesta Table
Ava says:
I’m from the great state of Texas and proud to say so! I’m from Kerrville, a small town in south central Texas, just four hours from the Mexican border (very close proximity by our standards), however, San Antonio is the nearest big city to where I grew up.
For this Trudy’s Table I wanted to share a beloved tradition in San Antonio, a city rich with tradition and vibrant culture in the heart of the Texas Hill Country.
I am proud to introduce to you, Fiesta, also known as the Battle of Flowers! This celebration is a ten-day festival held every spring in San Antonio. The festival commemorates the Battle of the Alamo, which took place in San Antonio, and the Battle of San Jacinto, which led to Texas’ independence from Mexico in April 1836. It originated in the 1891 flower parade conceived by Ellen Maury Slayden, wife of Congressman James L. Slayden, as an April 21 salute to the heroes of the battles of the Alamo and San Jacinto. A group of San Antonio women later formed the Battle of Flowers Association (let’s hear it for the girls!).
Today, Fiesta also celebrates the shared culture between Mexican and Texan heritage, something that is extremely important in our part of the state. The El Mercado is filled with brightly coloured flowers, Mariachi bands, cowboys, and so much more that makes up both ends of each culture. Together we celebrate the ability to live freely and happily amongst one another and share the things that are most important to us now and our ancestors before us.
¡Viva Fiesta!